These free plans cover all aspects of woodworking and crafts. Some of the free plans are more handyman oriented then woodworking oriented. Also, some of the free plans require a working knowledge of metalwork fabrication, mechanics and crafts.
The free plans vary in their degree of difficulty – from the novice to expert woodworker and/or handyman.
How to read woodworking plans.
Fall Projects - To Do List.
Always read the free woodworking plans carefully and make sure that there is enough information provided for you to be able to complete the project - before you invest in materials. Some of the free plans are excellent, giving a great deal of information and instruction in text, pictures and drawings while some of the other free plans are only drawings and still others are only sketches.
Choosing Your Free Plan:
There are thousands of free woodworking plans on the Internet, deciding on which plan is worth building can be a difficult decision. Following are some personal guidelines that you may wish to take note of:
- Plans that have a picture of the finished woodworking project indicate that the project has actually been constructed. A set of plans that is only made up of one or more drawings, and/or a drawing of the finished woodworking project is not evidence that the measurements or construction details on those drawings are correct. As well, a lack of instructions may mean that the woodworking project has never actually been built!
- Even if there is a finished picture of the project and detailed assembly instructions you should consider who the author is and the purpose of designing and making the woodworking plans available. The most reliable plans generally come from companies that want you to purchase the supplies to make the project from them. As an example; companies such as Lowe’s or Minwax want your business for years to come. Hence, it is in their best interests that the free woodworking plans that they have offered, are definitely buildable – after all they do not want to lose your business, and possibly the business of your friends and relatives, because you couldn’t complete a specific woodworking project.
- The third thing that you should consider is your personal level of woodworking skills. If you are a novice woodworker it is wise not to undertake high quality indoor furniture woodworking projects as a start. Projects such as outdoor benches, birdhouses and indoor projects such as workbenches and closet shelves are much better woodworking projects at the start of your learning curve.
- Finally, the types of tools you have available and/or are willing to invest in are a key element to the success of building any woodworking project.
Woodworking Joinery Information:
If after searching the free plans index you are unable to find a free plan that suits your needs you may wish to consider purchasing your project plans.
After a great deal of investigation, we have partnered with Ted's Woodworking, we believe that it is the #1 resource for all woodworking plans, projects and videos. Ted's Woodworking provides detailed plans, drawings and instructions for 16,000 woodworking projects, along with 150 woodworking videos and other essential woodworking information for those of us who do woodworking projects on a regular basis.
As well, Ted's Woodworking allows you to search the database of 16,000 plans based on your skill level and other parameters. For more information on Ted's Woodworking Plans, Projects and Videos Click Here!
To help you with your project, we have chosen a selection of ebooks that are related to the subjects of the free plans that you are interested in.
Finally, if you cannot find a free woodworking plan or a purchased plan that suites your needs, the first item on almost every page of the plans is a selection of manufactured items that match the woodworking plan category that you have shown an interest in.
We hope that you find this website useful. There is a contact link at the bottom of each page, should you have any comments or questions. is one of the group of websites.
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