The following outdoor chair plans are free. They include a wide variety of outdoor chair plans and designs.
Always read the outdoor chair plans carefully and make sure that there is enough information provided for you to be able to complete the project - before you invest in materials. Some of the plans are excellent, giving a great deal of instruction in text, pictures and drawings while other plans are only drawings and still others are only sketches.
As well, some of the outdoor chair plans require a woodworking shop that is outfitted with a good selection of stationary power tools such as a drill press, jointer and thickness planer.
These outdoor chair plans are for the intermediate to expert woodworker.
Also see our free Adirondack chair plans.

Patio outdoor chair plans.

Outdoor deck chair plans.

Jake's outdoor chair plans.

Outdoor garden patio chair plans.

Redwood Recliner - outdoor chair plans.

Outdoor chair plans - Morris chair.

All weather Morris outdoor chair plans.

Vine outdoor chair plans.

Beach outdoor chair plans.

Beach outdoor chair plans.

Lawn outdoor chair plans.

Outdoor furniture plans.